PurOtic 4oz VALUE PACK

Keeping your pet's ears clean and healthy is... well, let's just say pulling teeth would be easier. Many dogs hate having their ears cleaned, and the pointy tips of most devices used to perform the task are a hazard! Not to mention the cost. Ear issues are the #1 reason for vet visits among dog owners. The cost can add up in a hurry, especially for dogs who are prone to infections and waxy buildup.

That's why we've developed the PurOtic line of products. This value pack has two of our most popular items - the Extra Strength and Ear Dryer.

Our extra strength formula doesn't contain alcohol and is all natural, so you can feel good about what you're putting in your pet's body. It also features a silicone tip, which makes insertion easier and less likely to lead to a freak out (or it at least prevents injury in the event that there is one). It breaks up waxy buildup, reduces the risk of ear infection, and cuts down on odors.

The ear dryer continues the wax fighting action, while reducing moisture. Excess mositure in the ears makes for a breeding ground for bacteria, so keeping things dry and comfortable also helps keep your pet's ears healthier over the long run. Our natural blend of ingredients also helps cut down on ear itch, so your pet stays comfy and happy. The silicone tip is found on this product as well for maximum comfort.

PurOtic Products

  • Use only natural ingredients 
  • Help Prevent high vet bills due to waxy buildup and other minor ear complaints 
  • Reduce the risk of infection 
  • Prevent injury while increasing comfort with our patented silicone tip 
  • Soothe itching and irritation 

  • •Value pack contains a 4oz PurOtic Extra Strength for dogs and a 4oz PurOtic   Ear Dryer for dogs.
    Pack comes shrink wrapped with 2 pre-attached silicone tips.

  • •Value pack contains a 4oz PurOtic Extra Strength for dogs and a 4oz PurOtic   Ear Dryer for dogs.
    Pack comes shrink wrapped with 2 pre-attached silicone tips.

  • •Value pack contains a 4oz PurOtic Extra Strength for dogs and a 4oz PurOtic   Ear Dryer for dogs.
    Pack comes shrink wrapped with 2 pre-attached silicone tips.